
take a deep breath and relax...

yoga nidra

it means to relax which does not have to necessarily take place in yoga class. you do not have to twist into a pretzel. you do not have to chant or pray. you only have to breathe and relax.

now that we have gotten that out of the way...for you neophytes - many things are beneficial about the actual act of relaxation, not just 'relaxing'. many of us are usually either in the grind and busy working, or vegging out in front of the TV, or drinking/eating and then sleeping. do you see how there is no true relaxation?

chances are many of us are constantly surrounded by:
a ringing cell phone
a computer
a television
another person
moving images (via transport)
books and magazines

we hardly take the time to:
stop and listen to the complete silence that naturally surrounds you
listen and work on our breath

so, let's explore the definition of relaxation:
total abatement or relief from bodily or mental work, effort, application.

let's start with the basics. breathing helps to sustain life. using our common sense, we know it helps us to de-stress and slow down our heart rate. it is something that happens involuntarily and something we rarely think about (unless you are a runner, yogi or swimmer - besides other things).

but no one takes the time to consider how obsessed we are with the actual act of breathing. in fact - that is all smoking is...breathing in......hold, and out. except, air is free - not $8 a pack, and (mostly) clean and clear of pesticides, chemicals and life-harming drugs.

it's actually amusing to me when people either discount breath-work, or assume they know it all. the truth is - breathing and relaxing go together. here is my advice: if you don't have time to work on your breathing, then you have to work on your breathing. likewise, if you don't have time to work on your relaxation, you have to relax. got it? good.

many studies have been designed to measure the brain's activity during deep relaxation to see exactly what proof stands regarding it's effectiveness. one study in particular I am referring to was conducted by a brain researcher and his team at The Kennedy Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark.

basically the subject lies down in a PET scan bed. the only other object in the room besides the 21 electrodes attached to their head, is a guided relaxation CD which they are listening to in headphones. there are 7 subjects, who will remain in the PET scan for one and a half hours each.

the study showed the individuals had EEG (brain activity) which was similar to the relaxed state of sleep except they remained in complete control and were never unconscious or drowsy at any point. imagine you could be in control over your thoughts, visions, manifestations and dreams - all while completely relaxed?

what about being able to completely concentrate and focus on one activity for an undisturbed period of time? think about all you could accomplish by becoming a more focused and determined mind.

pictures were taken before (1), during (4) and after (3) the relaxation. before and after, the pictures illustrated the state closest to normal waking consciousness - sans stress and fatigue. during the relaxation - there was an increased ability to visualize and become more in touch with one's emotions.

so, the fact remains - for those of you who needed scientific proof. relaxation does a body good. here are some helpful links for you if you would like to start relaxing today: (for the guided relaxations, my advice is to put on headphones to your laptop, etc. and listen in that capacity as opposed to watching it....you should be lying down with eyes closed unless noted to be seated)

the study itself
guided relaxation - male voice, 10 minutes
guided relaxation - male voice, 9:18 minutes
guided relaxation/meditation - female voice, around 8 minutes
guided relaxation - female voice, 10 minutes: seated


if you don't know, you better get to know...

Jazmine Sullivan has been under most people's radar...J Records better be promoting her with a bigger budget (and make this girl some dang music videos), this upcoming year. look out for her new record...she's got the best vocals (even better in my opinion) since Lauryn Hill, lyrically I would say Lauryn and Jill Scott are pretty close.

yeah, I said it.

what color(s) are you?

everyone's skin contains all 4 colors.

all skin, without coloring, would appear creamy white.

near-surface blood-vessels add a blush of red.

a yellow pigment also tints the canvas.

lastly, sepia-toned melanin, created in response to UV rays, appears black in large amounts.

these 4 hues mix in different proportions to create the skin colors of all the peoples of Earth.

some of us have more or less of another...just means we are different shades, not races.

if we keep using 'race', we should first consider the implications in defining the word: any contest or competition, esp. to achieve superiority: the arms race; the presidential race.

so I ask you this:

which color are you racing against?

perhaps none.

maybe you are just relaxing in the shade.

interesting (and upsetting) facts - part 2

  • there are 27 million slaves in the world.
  • there are 44 million child laborers in India, some working 16-hour days.
  • every week an average 88 children are expelled from US schools for carrying a gun.
  • same-sex relationships are illegal in more than 70 countries. in nine - including Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia - the penalty is death.
  • 2 million girls and women are subjected to genital mutilation every year.

and you thought you were having a bad day.

some pretty amazing feats...

if this doesn't touch your heart, you are a robot.

I swear it's not corny, it's actually quite amazing for a 6 year old!

her name is Connie Talbot, and she apparently likes Bob Marley - which means I like her. she was on Britain's Got Talent, and swept through to the finals. she's even made some adults cry...anyway, her CD is out, and you should consider a purchase. I have. see Connie's site here.


there are many times I am in Times Square and I find myself cursing the American public, tourists and New Yorkers alike. it's so overdone and forced, crowded and sub-human. but here and there, some really cool stuff happens...this is one of them.

who is he? I don't know, and I would be surprised if you do; he is a (cheesy looking) record producer/clothing maker who reps Andy Hilfiger (yes, the 50 year-old looking brother of Tommy) and has his album coming out soon. I guess giving the money out to homeless people isn't really 'good marketing' since they don't buy albums.


this little guy is one of my favorites. he used to be the regular Sunday act for the Seattle Sonics at their Sunday games, until the Sonics went bye-bye. but his 6-year old career isn't going anywhere, check him out...B-boy Jalen Testerman.

special right? is there something these 6-year old's are eating? what is really in their milk?!


so, regular jumping off buildings and gymnastics weren't enough for these kids overseas. instead, they have taken movie stunts, and made them real - enter: Free-jumpers and Free-runners. just some bored kids in Russia, Paris and the UK who need some excitement in their lives. you might want to put this on mute, unless you like bad music.


interesting facts - part 1

  • if you are right handed, you will tend to chew food on the right side; vice-versa if you are lefty. so, right-handed people have more cavities on the right side, and lefties on their left side?
  • if you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. when a human body is dehydrated, it's thirst mechanism shuts off. so if you are always thirsty does that mean you are always hydrated?
  • when peeling onions, chew gum to stop the tears. too bad this doesn't work when you get laid off, dumped or while watching a sad movie on a first date.
  • a pink tongue means you are germ free. and only a pink tongue. if it's white, there is a film of bacteria on it. makes you wanna check out your dates mouth before diving in, huh...
  • the pupil of the eye expands almost 50% when a person is looking at something pleasing. kinda brings some meaning to: 'My, what big eyes you have.'

hungry? get your grub on...

for as long as I can remember I have had impenetrable beliefs in caring for my diet. in fact, as I grow older (albeit wiser) I learn more and more that most people do more research on which cell-phone to purchase (new touch-screen Blackberry coming out, btw) than they do the story behind their meals.

do you know which vegetables you should buy organic due to an overabundance of pesticides?

do you know what happens in the meat industry just so you can celebrate your promotion with an Anus, or celebrate Thanksgiving?

I have also learned people choose not to be educated on this matter. they would rather eat and live in ignorance than to further learn, decipher, analyze and decide on what to do about their diet choices. and then, there is that select group who is completely apathetic about the quality of animals' and workers' lives.

for the most part it's negligence - giving up the validity of your own responsibility in situations. but at least have the decency to understand the value of life...enjoy those ribs and egg omelet folks ;-).

if you would like some literature or book recommendations, hit me up via email.


cheers to green (and free) reading!

my new favorite vice - reading magazines. free magazines. online ; without having to worry about them taking up space in my 850 sq. foot apartment with a 300-book library. my ideas are running thin on making furniture out of my old magazines.

Mygazines , provides a greener & cheaper alternative to buying, keeping and then having to recycle magazines. my advice is to save trees and money folks, and halt your subscriptions for the next year or so...

you can search for your favorite magazine, a certain article. topic or feature. you can clip them out and create your own 'magazine' out of the virtual tear-offs. email them, or post them to your del.icio.us account.

as I was fanning (as much as you can do through a pdf) Vogue, a question crossed my mind - how is this legal? I mean it's groundbreaking and I am not complaining, but it seems they are on that legal edge of what's acceptable in the publishing & copyright world.

so my advice is get it while it's hot off the 'presses' folks. keep reading alive dammit...and enjoy.


Madonna turns 70 in August!

how to look like Madge...aka, 20 years older:

* study the Kaballah
* wear no makeup, and ONLY sweats in public
* have blatant affairs and prefer a sordid sex life
* work out incessantly so you looka-like-a-man
* get your body fat down to a 'healthy' 5%
* become 'the' target of a US Media scandal
* maybe stay away from food altogether
* get obnoxious amounts of 'discreet' plastic surgery

Chi-town at it's finest, people's actions - a whole other story.

I peeped this on one of my favorite blogs. it's a clip from the Showtime series, "This American Life" which while I have never watched, seems to perfectly depict what is wrong in this country.

I love my Chicagoan friends. I do. but in such a (still) heavily segregated part of the country, there is something very un-funny about this scenario. as a matter of fact - they even say in the clip that there is a new term for how segregated Chicago is: HYPER-SEGREGATED.

there is much about the Wieners Circle that represents a microcosm of our world, especially right here in our homeland. with a 99% White crowd and 100% Black
staff - you can plainly see what happens when us 'kids' are left alone to play.

what was once a 'good-idea' marketing tactic via the owners, has slowly turned into a cathartic avenue for rich drunk kids, to unleash their fears and ignorant beliefs...which should have been kept in, and those people and their intoxication, kept out.

even the owners remark how morally-sadistic the crowd is, and the workers - well you can see the pain in their eyes regarding the 'accepted abuse' they undergo just to get paid.

warning - strong language, may not be suitable at work, unless you are self-employed, or...work at a hot-dog stand.

do you feel me?

good ol' Anthony Hamilton...for years, I fought being a fan but recently have given in, for sentimental reasons really.

great song, great movie it was in....I always forget about this dude, but his voice is so smooth and soulful. enjoy - I will be hitting you with other musical treats.


I have picked a flower for you...

and it's right here

...all you have to do is enable the microphone when the little box comes up (press accept!) and speak or sing or play music.

this is a bunch of fun...and you will probably get sick of in 2 minutes, which is your attention span anyway (wink, wink).

put some color into your life :0)

here is a virtual - kaleidescope.

once again, in the realm of 'virtual sand art' I am mystified as to just how they do it...enjoy kids.

(I am giving ya the easier program link, but in the upper left hand corner - the new program link is there once you get to the web page)

Dr. Randy Pausch's words will change your life.

Dr. Randy Pausch, who was an amazing man, teacher and father - died yesterday at the young age of 47.

when he had nothing left but his word, he gave it to an audience of 400, but was truly talking to his three small children. diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, at the time of this speech, doctors gave him months only to live. he went on to live for another ten months, blessing us with appearances, Congress visits to speak about cancer research and more incredible perils of wisdom.

this first video is Dr. Randy Pausch on Oprah giving a much-abridged version of his amazing speech:

the second is the unabridged Carnegie Mellon speech.

he was asked to take part in Carnegie Mellon's 'Last Lecture' series which is a trend amongst colleges nowadays, where the top Professors are asked to think deeply about what matters to them and to give hypothetical 'final talks'.

except, for most of the speakers, they were in their usual 'healthy' states. for Dr. Pausch, it would essentially be his last public speech.

we have all been touched personally by death, and many times - they are non-ideal situations ; a parent who didn't get a chance to say goodbye or even give you that 'life talk', a friend you didn't get to hug, your grandparent you didn't call the week before. there are always regrets. but Dr. Pausch shows us that we can live without those regrets by honoring ourselves, and being positive. learning to apologize properly, and value people more than things are just two key lessons.

I leave you with the most outstanding quote I have heard in a very long time, from the revered Dr. Pausch:

"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want."

and, if you are interested in learning more about life and enjoying every damn moment of it as I swear to do, read his book (I am getting it today):

THE LAST LECTURE by Randy Pausch.


speechless by a writer who should be pen-less.

so...all sleepy eyed and groggy - I manage to pull myself out of my bed and log on, only to find myself, 20 minutes later, totally engrossed in this very interesting article on 'business pundit'. without ruining it for myself, I go page by page through the '25 Visionaries Who Created Empires From Virtually Nothing' piece. and the piece while being quite impressive and predictable listed only 2 out of 25 people, were women; they were the 2 last listings on the page. all of the people were mostly caucasian, with exceptions like Tiger Woods and Alex Rodriguez. Ayn Rand was the last woman listed and right before her was one of my faves, Ms. Ciccone - Madonna, herself - but how did she beat Oprah onto that list?!?

I ask of you - are we that mentally and gender-depleted for the writer of this article to be so void of options when he crafted this mashup of words? certainly not. in fact, upon a bit of research and knowledge (being a female entrepreneur myself) I have re-created the list to reflect the women and minorities who have changed our world as we know it. perhaps they didn't create the PC or Yahoo! but they have made huge advances from nothing, which is what the article was supposed to reflect.

the revised list is below in a completely separate post since it deserves to stand alone without the taint from that b.s. of an article I read this morning. there are many other things wrong with the inductees as well, to this delisional writer's repetoire:

Steve Forbes - not a self-made man. he's been lucky enough to have been an heir of his daddy's empire. he runs a magazine with his inheritance. he might as well have included Paris Hilton.
why are these athletes in there?
Tiger Woods: his talent, not entrepreneurship got him to where he is. Alex Rodriguez: what empire did he create???? David Beckham: I mean, he is easy on the eyes and makes an offensive amount of money per annum on endorsement deals, but did he create an empire? or did he get that empire because of his talent?
if listing them, why not have included:

Michael Jordan - Shaq - LeBron - Kobe Bryant - Arthur Ashe - Venus & Serena - and many many others....

well, I have my own speculations. in fact, i voiced those speculations in the 'comments' section on the page, as did many other people, and since then it has been changed, only to include Oprah in place of Forbes, but hey - it's a beginning.

anyway, I can go on and on about the lack of ingenuity and intelligence that went into this article. but have a read below and let me know your thoughts.

my list of 'The top 25 Most Influential Visionaries'

this blog is in response to a really offensive article I addressed above. since writing these two pieces, and commenting on the site in response to the author's negligence...they have replaced Forbes with Oprah on their list and here is the site's moderator's message to me:

Steve Forbes, #7 on the list, did indeed inherit his papa’s empire. Malcolm built Forbes; Steve expanded it. Thus, we decided to remove him from our list and replace him with Oprah Winfrey, who perhaps boasts one of the most iconic success stories ever.

so, it's good to know in this day-and-age that voices are heard and people are honored by their virtue, not just membership into a boy's club.

I have compiled this list below of the '25 Most Influential Visionaries'. I have described in short the life and works of my personal Top 15...the other list is an honoring of their names with links if you would like to know more about their legacies. and please, if you feel inclined to do so, just as I did, please chime in and let me know if there is a person you feel should be honored and for what reason...personal stories are welcomed.

in no particular order, and in a random selection of people from each type of legacy - so please don't get upset about comparisons (i.e. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mrs. Fields):

American television host, media mogul, philanthropist, academy award nominated actress, influential book critic and magazine publisher. after having won multiple Emmy awards, she stands to still have the highest rated talk show in the country. growing up in a poor household in rural MS, she was a two-time rape victim who also had a son from the second rape, who later died. she stands true as a woman who has conquered adversity, overcome criticism and has revolutionized talk-television as we know it today. there is really so much to note about her amazing rise to success, including being one of the wealthiest Americans, not to mention being an African American woman on that list...she should be praised endlessly and forever for her lifetime of work. (she is my number 1 hero).
CEO and co-founder of Endeavor, a non-profit designed to support entrepreneurs of high impact in emerging markets. since 1997, she has been the pioneer of this company who identifies then mentors the most promising undiscovered entrepreneurs in Latin America, South Africa, Egypt, India, Jordan and Turkey. a recipient for many awards including, and not limited to: "Innovator for the 21st Century" by Time Magazine , One of the 100 Bold Innovators of 2003 - MIT Tech Review, World Economic Forum named her "Global Leader for Tomorrow" and "Young Global Leader", among many others, she was also The 1st Female Chair of the World Economic Forum on the Middle East, in 2007.
American business magnate, author, editor, homemaking advocate, former stockbroker and fashion model. in 2001, she was named " The 3rd Most Powerful Woman in America" by Ladies Home Journal. growing up in a modest, middle-class household in NJ, she went on to being a successful stockbroker after becoming a mother, started a catering business in her basement in 1976, and a year later wrote a New York Times Best Selling cookbook - Entertaining. since then, she has created the DIY empire and homemaking as we know it in the 21st Century. her show as well as many books, Kmart products and magazines later - has proved her to be a powerful vision of success.
a victim of the segregated Virginian tennis circuit, Ashe moved to Missouri when he was young to play tennis in a better matched environment, one where he wouldn't have to travel great distances. he was recognized by Sports Illustrated and later received a scholarship to UCLA in 1963. it was also this year history was made - he was the first African American ever selected to play for the US Davis Cup team. he was the only player to have won amateur and open national championships in the same year. he called attention to many philanthropic causes, including South Africa's apartheid policies, an avid civil rights supporter, and a protester for crackdown on Haitian refugees. in 1975, Ashe won Wimbledon against Jimmy Connors. this amazing legend remains to be the first African American player to ever win the men's singles at Wimbledon, the US Open or Australian Open. he is one of only two men of Black African ancestry to win a Grand Slam singles title. he founded the National Junior Tennis League, and supported the creation of the Association of Tennis Professionals. he was inducted in 1985 to the International Tennis Hall of Fame.
'The second most admired person in the 20th Century" (Gallup poll)
Voted #6 in "The Person of the Century" Poll (Time Magazine)
the leader of the American civil rights movement. a Baptist minister born in Atlanta, GA. he led the Montgomery Bus Boycott, helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference - serving as its 1st President, led the March on Washington - giving the "I Had A Dream" speech, and proved himself to be one of the greatest orators in US history. he became in 1964, the youngest person ever to receive the Nobel Peace Prize due to his groundbreaking and heartfelt work in ending segregation and discrimination of Black people through non-violent means. as a religious man - he focused on ending poverty and heavily opposed the Vietnam War. it was only until after his assassination in 1968 that he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in '77, and the Congressional Gold Medal in '04. in 1986 - America established Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a national holiday, and to this day - the 3rd Monday in January is shamefully, still not honored by many people/companies and foundations.
a Roman-Catholic nun who was born in Albania in 1910. for a period of over 40 years of some of the most compassionate work we have seen in recent centuries, she administered services to the poor, sick, orphaned and dying. this mission began when she started the "Missionaries of Calcutta" foundation in India in 1950, and then spread across the globe. a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and earning India's highest civilian honor, her foundation reached outstanding heights. at the time of her death, she was operating 610 missions in 123 countries. Pope John Paul II beautified her and gave her the title Blessed Theresa of Calcutta since her death in 1997. although heavily criticised throughout her decades of work, she is a legend in her own wright, and she leaves quite a big set of shoes to fill.
born in 1935, he is a revered spiritual leader among the Tibetan people. the 5h of 16 children born into a farming village in Tibet, he was said to be the rebirth of the 13th Dalai Lama at the age of TWO! in 1950, at the ripe old age of 15, he was enthroned. he fled Tibet for India in 1959. now in exile, he has presided over the Central Tibetan Administration in India. he remains one of the most regarded spiritual teachers of our time.
India's major political and spiritual leader of the Indian Independence Movement. a vegetarian, and long-time faster, he focused on self-purification leading to social protests and lived a in a modest, self-sufficient community, wearing clothes he spun by hand. a believer in mass civil disobedience, founded on the principle of non-violence (also known as 'ahisma' in yoga). known as The Father of the Nation in India, his birthday, October 2nd is not only a national holiday there, but it is the International Day of Non-Violence. back when it wasn't fashionable or advertised, he led nationwide campaigns for easing poverty, women's rights, pushing for religious and ethnic amity to be built, ending 'untouchability', increasing economic self-reliance and most importantly - he allowed for the independence of India from foreign domination. he led movements for civil rights in South Africa, where he was imprisoned (as well as in India), and he played an important role in the Zulu War of 1906 as well.
born in Queens, NY in 1906...she was the only woman on Time Magazine's 1998 list of the 20 most influential business geniuses of the 20th Century. she was also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. having lived for 97 long, she created a billion-dollar legacy after learning valuable merchandising experience from her work in her father's hardware store. a natural saleswoman, she utilized her chemist uncle's knowledge and began selling her skin-care products to beauty salons and hotels. she and her team of executives have only enriched the company's portfolio by adding new brands such as: Aramis, Clinique, Prescriptives, Origins and MAC.
a South African opposed to apartheid, he rose to worldwide fame in the '80s. in '84 , he became only the second South African to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. the first elected black South African Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town who also chaired the Truth and Reconciliation Commission as well as still the chairman of The Elders. Tutu is a huge AIDS activist as well as a member of the UN Advisory Panel on Genocide Prevention, since 2006. he has also received the Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism and the Gandhi Peace Prize in 2007. an author and orator, he resigned from teaching school to protest poor educational prospects for Black South Africans (following the passage of the Bantu Education Act). he went on to continue his studies in theology, and eventually in 1960 was ordained as an Anglican Minister. he had an intense position where he voiced his discontent about the way Black people were treated in a largely White parish. after many director-level positions for honored organizations in the UK, he returned to South Africa in 1975, when he was appointed the Anglican Dean of St. Mary's Cathedral in Johannesburg, as the first African person to ever hold that title.
a noble man. an educated man. at the age of 7, he became the first member of his family to attend a school. he went on to study at the early age of 16 at a boarding institute, and completed his Junior Certificate there a year early than all other students. due to his beliefs and taking part in revolutions, he was asked to leave college but went on to gain his Bachelor of Laws from the University of London while imprisoned. former President of South Africa, he was previously an anti-apartheid activist and leader of the African national Congress. spending a significant time in prison (27 long, hard years) dubbed by the apartheid government as a communist and terrorist, he became a symbol of freedom and equality internationally, to people who knew better. a recipient of over 100 awards over 4 decades, to include the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. Mahatma was a huge inspiration for Mandela (aka Madiba, as he is known in South Africa) on the non-violence policy issues and facing adversity with a sense of dignity. a great book, which he co-wrote with his journalist friend, Mandela: The Authorised Biography.
an Irish band with members Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen, Jr. formed in 1976 , when they were teenagers. within a decade, they became a top international act whose main source of income was in performing live, until the release of The Joshua Tree album in 1987. having sold several hundred-million albums worldwide, they have won more Grammy's than any other band in history. in 2005, their first year of eligibility, the band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of fame and are listed as #22 of the 100 greatest artists of all time, by Rolling Stone Magazine. what puts them easily on this list is their track record for campaigning for human rights and social justice causes, participating in Band Aid, Live Aid, including Amnesty International, ONE Campaign, founding of Music Rising, Project Red and Bono's DATA (Debt, Aids, Trade in Africa) campaign. many performances have donated proceeds to charities such as the Chernobyl Children's Project and they have performed at many charity functions, such as Mandela's 46664 series of concerts. They have been awarded the Amnesty International's Ambassador of Conscience Award for their human rights' efforts.
Venus, "One of the 30 Most Powerful Women in American" (Ladies Home Journal, 2001)
born in 1980, Venus is a former world #1 tennis player and the reigning Wimbledon singles/doubles champion. a strong player, she has won 16 Grand Slam titles as well as Olympic Gold medals. this year, she struck the fastest serve by a woman in Wimbledon's history during the singles finals at a record 129 mph. in previous years, Venus won the Lipton International Players Championships a couple of times, the Hamburg Tournament, the Italian Open in Rome, the Pilot Pen Tennis Tournament in CT, and the Zurich Tournament. she and Serena teamed to win doubles titles at the French and US Open, becoming the first sister team to win a Grand Slam doubles title in the 20th century. she has met endlessly with officials from the French and Wimbledon tournaments to follow in Billie Jean King's footsteps that female tennis players should be paid as much as males. her demands were rejected. however, Tony Blair and members of Parliament publicly endorsed her arguments and later that year in 2006, the Women's Tennis Association and UNESCO teamed for a gender equality sports campaign, with Venus at the helm. early in 2007, Wimbledon and the French Open announced it would award equal prize money to all competitors in all rounds. nicely done Venus. she is also the CEO of her Interior Design Firm, V Starr Interiors in Florida, and has also designed a line called EleVen with Steve & Barry as the retailer.
Serena, the current top-ranked American Female Player.
a former World #1 ranked female tennis player with 8 Grand Slam singles titles and an Olympic Gold in women's doubles. she is the most recent of all players (read: women and men) to have held all 4 Grand Slam singles titles at the same time. at the age of 4 1/2 she had already won her first tournament, and in the next 6 years of her life out of 49 tournaments she entered, she won 46 of them Tennis Magazine in 2005, ranked her #17 of the best players from the preceding 40 years. she has also tied Venus' record for the fastest WTA tour serve by a woman, of 129 mph. her titles match Venus' as does her fashion sense, she has had lines with Puma and now Nike, and also started her own line of clothing in boutiques in Miami and LA, called Aneres which is her first name spelled backwards. having modeled for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, she has also had fame with her sister Venus on The Simpsons, and on ABC. she has had numerous other acting gigs including an appearance for Common's music video, 'I Want You'.
The 12th Richest Woman in Britain.
"48th Most Powerful Celebrity of 2007", Forbes Magazine.
Time Magazine's runner-up for its "2007 Person of the Year" award.
her real name is Joanne as was the authored name on the first Harry Potter book published. but her publishers urged her to use two initials so that young boys wouldn't be biased to read a book a female wrote!! a former welfare recipient after divorcing and moving to Scotland with her daughter, this amazing and imaginative author went from rags-to-riches as a millionaire only 5 years later. when in school, she majored in French and Clasics. she became a researcher and secretary for Amnesty International. in 1990 while on a train in England, this British writer conceived the phenomenon, Harry Potter. having sold almost 400 million copies, she has had the time to become an international philanthropist with organizations like Comic Relief, One Parent Families and the MS Society of Great Britain. her initial novel was rejected by all 12 publishing houses it was submitted to in 1995. since then, her book series has earned numerous awards and prizes, and her films have gone on to be legends. congradulations Joanne Rowling.
"...the most sensational woman anyone ever saw." Earnest Hemmingway.
this legendary singer/dancer was also called the 'Bronze Venus' or the 'Black Pearl' and the 'Creole Goddess'. she was a US born French ex-pat. Ms. Baker is the first female African American to star in a major motion picture, integrate a US Concert hall and become a world famous entertainer. an avid contributor to the US Civil Rights Movement, she has paved the way for many of today's African American performers. a school dropout at the age of 12, within a year she was dancing and performing on the streets of St. Louis. a few years later, during the Harlem Renaissance, she made her move to NYC and performed at The Plantation Club as well as Broadway revues. evenutally, she was touted as 'the highest-paid chorus girl in vaudeville'. in 1925, she ventured to Paris and was an immediate success due to her highly erotic shows, where often she would be accompanied by her pet cheetah, Chiquita. this woman was dynamite!! later she became an actress in Europe but always remained a muse for authors, painters, designers and sculptors alike, in the contemporary vein: Langston Hughes, Ernest Hemingway, F. Schott Fitzgerald, Pablo Picasso and Christian Dior. she was the first American-born woman to receive teh highest French military honor - the Croix de Guerre. She was also inducted into the St. Louis Walk of Fam. she was so fierce and popular with the French, even the Nazis who were occupying France during WWII refused to cause her harm. she was always a bigger star in France, and unfortunately fell victim to such criticisms here in the US as the New York Times calling her a "Negro wench." oh boy, how off-target they were. I am sure this only added to her vehemntly strong defense for social justice and opposition of segregation; in fact, she refused to perform for segregated audiences in the US and in Las Vegas where she insisted on mixed audiences, she began to finally integrate shows in this Country. in 1951, she made a case for charges of racism against the Stork Club in NY where they would not let her perform. Grace Kelly who was at the club at that moment, rushed over to her and left with her entire party, boycotting the establishment for the rest of her life. the two women became very close and Kelly even helped Baker in hard financial times when she needed a home and money to live. Baker spoke at the March on Washington beside Martin Luther King, Jr. when she worked with the NAACP. she was the only woman to speak at the rally. even Coretta Scott King asked Baker to take Martin Luther King's place and lead the American Civil Rights Movement, after his assassination, but she turned it down in fear her children were too young to lose their mother. Josephine adopted 12 multi-ethic orphans whom she called her 'Rainbow Tribe'. she eventually had one child, who was stillborn in 1941 and had to have an emergency hysterectomy. just after celebrating 50 years in show business by a revue backed by Prince Rainier, Princess Grace and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis - in 1975, she passed away two days later at the age of 68. cited as the iconic performer for Diana Ross and Whitney Houston, this woman will forever live on in entertainment, Civil Rights Movement's and women's history. however, you can still honor her legacy at her son's restaurant on 42nd Street in NYC's Restaurant Row, Chez Josephine.

OTHER NOTABLES (with live links)


your name is what?!

an update from below, more celebrity names to shock and awe...

Aanisah: Macy Gray (also mother to Tahmel)

Astrella Celeste: Donovan and Linda Lawrence (also parents to Oriole Nebula)

Atherton Grace: Don Johnson and Kelley Phlege

Aurelius Cy: Elle Macpherson and Arpad Busson

Blue Angel: U2's The Edge and Aislinn O'Sullivan

Brooklyn: David and Victoria Beckham (also parents to Romeo and Cruz)

Calico: Alice and Sheryl Cooper (also parents to Sonora Rose)

Camera: Arthur Ashe and Jeanne Moutoussamy

Destry: Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw

Fuchsia: Sting and Frances Tomelty

Gaia: Emma Thompson and Greg Wise

Gulliver: Gary Oldman and Donya Fiorentino

Heaven: Lil' Mo (also mother to God'Iss Love Stone)

Hopper: Sean Penn and Robin Wright

Jaz: Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi

Jazz Domino: Joe Strummer

Jermajesty: Jermaine Jackson and Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza (previously married to Jermaine's brother Randy)

Kal-El Coppola: Nicholas Cage (Kal-El is Superman’s original birth name- OMG, that's where it came from!!!)

Kyd: David Duchovny and Tea Leoni

Lark Song: Mia Farrow and André Previn

Lennon: Liam Gallagher and Patsy Kensit

Liberty: Ryan Giggs

London Emilio: Slash

Luna Coco Patricia: Frank Lampard and Elen Rive

Marquise: 50 Cent

Memphis Eve: Bono

Moon Unit: Frank Zappa, also father to Dweezil and Diva Muffin

Moxie CrimeFighter: Penn Jillette (also father to Zolten)

Ocean: Forest Whitaker (also father to Sonnet and True)

Poppy Honey: Jamie and Jules Oliver (also parents to Daisy Boo - listed below)

Rocket: Robert Rodriguez (also father to Racer, Rebel and Rogue)

Rufus Tiger: Roger Taylor also father to Tiger Lily and Lola Daisy

Saffron Sahara: Simon and Yasmin Le Bon (also parents to Amber Rose and Tallulah Pine)

Sage Moonblood: Sylvester Stallone and Sasha Czack (also parents to Seargeoh)

Seven Sirius: Andre Benjamin and Erykah Badu

Shiloh Nouvel: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Sosie: Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick

Tallulah: Bruce Willis and Demi Moore (also parents to Scout and Rumer)

Willow Camille Reign: Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith

Zola Ivy: Eddie Murphy and Nicole Mitchell

uh, what did you say your name was again?

a serious epidemic is occuring right now, in the US. children are getting tagged with the worst possible names out there...why not just turn to different languages, or combine parent names? why would you take obscure nouns and turn them into your new baby's reality? maybe it's the curse of fame and wealth, where you don't care what people say, but these children sure will once school starts. watchout...

Kim Basinger & Alec Baldwin: Baby daughter Ireland
one of them is Irish, at least, so it makes sense...

Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin: Baby daughter Apple and son Moses
I know someone named Moses - and he isn't half bad. Apple on the other hand, well - is she taking a page out of Eve's book, aka the Bible?

Matt & Annette Lauer: Baby boy Thijs
I keep wanting to spellcheck their son's name to 'this'. how do you even say it??

Courteney Cox & David Arquette: Baby daughter Coco
hello people, it's not that bad - for the Arquettes! it makes me think of Chanel.

Alice Kim & Nicolas Cage: Baby son Kal-el Coppola
why hyphenate a name in these days and times of getting picked out of an airport line based on your name? them being fans of Francis Ford, is cool though.

Julia Roberts & Danny Moder: Twins Phinnaeus Walter and Hazel Patricia
I keep wanting to call him 'Pinhead'. I do hope Hazel doesn't have blue eyes and just confuse the sh*t out of everyone.

Shannyn Sossaman & Dallas Clayton: Baby son Audio Science
wanna help me out on this one? it would be cool if they were actually musicians or scientists. but...no.

Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes: Baby daughter Suri
I am over them. Katie was just shot with purple hands from a Scientologist ritual. the kid has very little hope ahead of her.

Toni Braxton & Keri Lewis: Baby son Diezel Ky
it's Toni Braxton people...

Heidi Klum & Seal: Baby son Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo
4 names for one child...with a father who only has one name. hmmm...

Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck: Baby daughter Violet
it's actually not that bad. but those ears....yeesh.

Geri Halliwell & Sacha Gervasi: Baby daughter Bluebell Madonna
I guess Geri wanted to be Madonna, so why not name her baby after the legend.

Jools Norton & Jamie Oliver: Baby daughter Daisy Boo
her mama's name is Jools, helllooooo....

Summer Phoenix & Casey Affleck: Baby son Indiana August
anytime you have one of the Phoenix's involved, you know it's got to be spicy.

Drea de Matteo and Shooter Jennings: Baby daughter Alabama Gypsy Rose
do you see it? do you see the father's name? at least they named her after a character in one of my fave movies - True Romance.

Beth Riesgraf & Jason Lee: Baby son Pilot Inspektor
I am so offended. Inspector Gadget would be ashamed.

Paula Yates & Bob Geldof: Baby daughters Fifi-Trixibelle, Peaches, Little Trixie, and Honeyblossom.
which one is worse - being called 'Little' anything when you are actually oversized, or instead of a flower name like Rose/Lily, you get stuck with Honeyblossom?

Paula Yates & Michael Hutchence: Baby daughter Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily
see above before you get angry, she was the mom of the four fraggle's, why would she name a child with the famous druggie-INXS singer any differently?

Tonya Linette Lewis & Spike Lee: Baby daughter Satchel
Spike's always got something in the bag...

Claudia Schiffer & Matthew Vaughn: Baby son Caspar
he is friendly, and you can hardly see him :-)

but just when you thought it was bad in the US, New Zealand's got:

Talula Does The Hula - what, she's Hawaiian!

Fish and Chips - their parents shared that the night they concieved him.

Yeah Detroit
- big time Michigan fans, um....in New Zealand.

Keenan Got Lucy
- guess what their parent's names were.

Sex Fruit
- their sex was peachy enough to have this wonderful child.

Bus Shelter - place of conception.

Violence - I don't have a witty one for this child, instead - I feel really bad for them.

New Zealand also has laws allowing these names to be blocked, and a ruling that will not allow parents to name their children with embarrasing 'titles'. (source)

should we do the same?

I am not gassing you up here folks.

this (sadly) will not be my last rant on rising gas prices. it has hit a moral rock-bottom in my book, when it affects the children of this country. oil prices are so high now, which of course itself isn't news, but the fact that some rural cities are cutting their school week down to 4 days...well, it's incomprehensibly offensive.

in 2005, they began to turn down the thermostat settings in schools due to natural gas and oil prices soaring. they actually claimed in a school in rural southern NJ that reducing the temperature is a learning tool, teaching little ones about hot and cold, and older kids about the cost of things. (source) even as an adult, I have had to sit frigid in some offices here in NYC and freeze my budunkadunk off with a cashmere button-down in July and that adversely affected my performance, since all I could do was complain as my numb hands attempted to work.

and 2005 was just the start of things for children who are just trying to get an education in this Bush economy...
now, in the past few years - they have been reducing the number of field trips kids go on, children will have to more frequently walk than take the bus to and from school, and slowly instilling 4 day school weeks with 10 hour school days. fairly enough - I am really a bit torn on the issue here. i mean, yes of course the environment is of great concern to me, as is each individuals carbon footprint. but when we were kids, in the 80's, it was a time of excess and Reaganomics. children are subjected more-so than even we as adults are NOWADAYS to the rising costs of oil.

we are still buying cars which don't use fuel-efficiency (yes, I am talking about all of you H3 owners out there), printing out emails, eating out of non-recycled materials from fast-food chains, using toxic cleaners and detergents still, abusing agriculture and farming of animals just so you can celebrate with a leather jacket and a steak when you get a promotion, and ignorantly using plastic bags at the market.

but our children, well - they are being forced to sit in school for an unbearable 10 hours a day, until 5:30 at night, and then partake in after-school athletics?? it sounds impossibly tiring, even for the next LeBron James. the best part is their 3 day weekend...it sounds good to us adults, right? but in this time of failing economy thanks to our President (who, the other day when asked about the recession we are in, claimed 'I am not an economist, I don't have a comment on that' to a reporter on ABC) both parents have to work. and most parents have 5-day work weeks still. which means on their Friday, kids will be in a daycare facility so mom and dad can earn a living just to barely get by.

so now, on Fridays in several rural cities across America, you have thousands of individual cars going to drop their unschooled children off at daycare, then off to work, then to pick them up from daycare from work, to home. maybe stop for some plastic bagged groceries along the way, or pick up some toxic bleach cleaner for their tub, but always, always stopping for....yep, you guessed it...gas.

how is that better than 100 school buses taking children to a school to learn and then participate in sports, so they may be able to get a scholarship, and bring some (much needed) money into their schools and home...

don't get me wrong here. once they can prove that children can still get in their musical classes, football, track and cheerleading in these 10-hour days, as well as still learn in a non-pressured environment and make the best of their Fridays, then I will be on board.

at the end of the day, it really makes me sad that college is so expensive, urban schools are not excelling as they should, and oil prices are so high that our children are being negatively affected; all while we adults live in a land of abundance and can make a choice to be actively aware of being 'green' in this society, or as 'un-green' as we want.